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Add user to project



Add new user to project


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    A unique project ID

    Example: 5e9602e7a39e5a46428b457f


    email string

    User email

    role string

    Possible values: [4, 5, 6]

    4 - Project Admin 5 - Project Developer 6 - Project Guest


User was successfully add to the project

    email string

    Main user email

    phone nullable

    A phone number (optional) and not required

    confirmTokenExpiration nullable

    Date and time when current common confirm token expires

    date date-time
    timezone_type int32
    timezone string
    name string

    User name

    confirmed boolean

    Was user email confirmed?

    timezone string

    User time zone name

    reportPeriod string

    Possible values: [week]

    notificationEmail nullable
    notificationDelay int32
    apiKey string

    User API Key

    id string
    role object
    id string
    users_id nullable
    name string
    permissions string[]
    systemRole boolean
    permissionsSwitches object

    Project permissions for current user

    read boolean

    Can current user view results?

    run boolean

    Can current user run checks?

    editTest boolean
    edit boolean

    Can current user edit project settings?

    manageUsers boolean

    Default value: true

    Can current user manage others?

    apiKey boolean

    Default value: true

    Can current user view apiKey?

    leave boolean

    Default value: true

    Can current user leave project?

    isPayer boolean

    Is user owner of the Project?

    canBeRemoved boolean